I am creating a $10k/month AI automation business with YouTube & Skool
I will be sharing updates with Krash community members about the exact strategies & tools I use to run my business, including regular traffic and revenue updates for YouTube, Social Media & Skool.
This is what I am building...
It's an AI powered automated content machine.
AI → Automation → Content Marketing
My goal is to help people create valuable content faster and cheaper. (And I plan to do it with 100% free tools, if possible.)
So let me tell you a bit about myself before we continue. (Trust me, you will want to read to the end and signup for the list)...
- My name is Dave Krash.
- I am a Content Creator
- with 25 Years Experience Online
- My Experience Includes:
- Youtube + Social Media + Web Promotion
- Published 100s of Articles, Posts, Graphics, Videos
- Currently: AI Content Automation Engineer
As I build in public, I will be packing all the resources I use, and making them available to community members. These will include:
- An Ultra-Lean Business Cheatsheet
- My Low-Cost Software Tech Stack
- My $10K/Month Startup Blueprint
- My Pre-Launch Sales Framework
- More Tools and Tips as I Build & Test Them
- An Engaged Community with 24/7 Support
And, I plan to sell all of this for: $9997 Totally Free !!
Yes, it's true. I will be giving away a lot of valuable assets in my community absolutely free, so you don't want to miss out.
If you are interested in joining me on this quest, and learning about AI, Skool and Automated Content Creation, send me your name and email using the Google form below 👇
(I will add you to the private pre-launch group and send updates by email.)
(Your privacy is assured. Unsubscribe at any time. We will never sell your email.)
The Krash Community
© Copyright Dave Krash 2020 - 2029.
All Rights Reserved